13. The directors are authorized, in the exercise of their powers, duties and functions, to sign(1) supply contracts the amount of which does not exceed $20,000, save where the good concerned is acquired by catalogue from the Centre d’acquisitions gouvernementales or, as the case may be, Infrastructures technologiques Québec in which case the amount of such contracts must not exceed $25,000; and
(2) services contracts the amount of which does not exceed $25,000, except the following contracts:(a) insurance contracts, financial services contracts or banking services contracts; and
(b) auxiliary services contracts for the transportation and handling of goods.
The maximum limit of the amount of a contract provided for in subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph is set at $10,000 in the following cases:(1) where the service provider is a natural person;
(2) where the object concerned is the supply of personnel.